Punctuation: Use of Dash

 Punctuation: Use of Dash


The dash is used to separate words into statements.

There are two kinds of dashes, the en dash, and the em dash. The en dash shows range or connections. On the other hand, the em dash is used in places where a comma could also be used. The dash can also be used to mark off words or statements that are not important to the meaning of the statement. The dash can also be used in places where a comma would be typically used.

En dash (–)

Slightly wider than a hyphen, the en dash is a symbol () that is used in writing or printing to indicate a range or connections.


  • 1880 –1945
  • Princeton–New York trains

Em dash (—)

Twice as long as the en dash, the em dash can be used in place of a comma, parenthesis, or colon to enhance readability or emphasize the conclusion of a sentence.

Example: She gave him her answer—No!

Class Room Notes

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