Tense: Simple future tense

 Tense: Simple future tense

Simple future tense

Functions of the simple future tense

The simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. In this case there is no 'attitude'.

The simple future is used:

  • To predict a future event:
    It will rain tomorrow.
  • With I or We, to express a spontaneous decision:
    I'll pay for the tickets by credit card.
  • To express willingness:
    I'll do the washing-up.
    He'll carry your bag for you.
  • In the negative form, to express unwillingness:
    The baby won't eat his soup.
    won't leave until I've seen the manager!
  • With I in the interrogative form using "shall", to make an offer:
    Shall I open the window?
  • With we in the interrogative form using "shall", to make a suggestion:
    Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
  • With I in the interrogative form using "shall", to ask for advice or instructions:
    What shall I tell the boss about this money?
  • With you, to give orders:
    You will do exactly as I say.
  • With you in the interrogative form, to give an invitation:
    Will you come to the dance with me?
    Will you marry me?

Note:In modern English will is preferred to shall. Shall is mainly used with I and we to make an offer or suggestion, or to ask for advice (see examples above). With the other persons (you, he, she, they) shall is only used in literary or poetic situations, e.g. "With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes."

Forming the simple future

The simple future tense is composed of two parts: will / shall + the infinitive without to

Subject+will+infinitive without "to"
Theywill notsee
Interrogative negative


I will = I'll
We will = we'll
You will = you'll
He will = he'll
She will = she'll
They will = they'll
Will not = won't

The form "it will" is not normally shortened.

To see: simple future tense

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeInterrogative negative
I will seeI won't seeWill I see?Won't I see?
*I shall see *Shall I see? 
You will seeYou won't seeWill you see?Won't you see?
He will seeHe won't seeWill he see?Won't he see?
We will seeWe won't seeWill we see?Won't we see?
*We shall see *Shall we see? 
They will seeThey won't seeWill they see?Won't they see?

*Shall is dated, but it is still commonly used instead of "will" with the affirmative or interrogative forms of I and we in certain cases (see above).

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